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Performance Improvement Plans

What is Performance Improvement? Performance Improvement measures the output of a particular business process or procedure, then modifies the process or procedure to increase the output, increase efficiency, improve safety or increase the effectiveness of the process or procedure.


This Regional plan is assigned to the STEMI PI Committee for development, updating, monitoring, and workingwithin the STEMI Systems of Care located on Data has shown both morbidity and mortalityare optimized when rapid interventional reperfusion is done within ninety minutes of EMS first medical contact(FMC); therefore, ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients should be recognized as quickly aspossible. Within compliance with the Code of Virginia and EMS Regulations, this plan:∆ Utilizes 12-lead ECG and pre-hospital notification to the receiving facility in tandem to reduce time toreperfusiono If ECG is unable to be transmitted, provider should deliver a hard copy to the ED with the patient∆ Patients must receive care in a hospital that has a STEMI treatment program in place, which is capable ofproviding immediate and comprehensive assessment, resuscitation, intervention, and definitive care∆ EMS personnel must be trained to accurately recognize, treat and transport STEMI patients rapidly∆ The Tidewater EMS Council must have continuous and effective region-wide coordination of pre-hospitaland hospital care resources to ensure an expeditious transport to the closest available interventional centeror facility capable of performing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)∆ Track and monitor the care capabilities by meeting at least quarterly with prehospital providers, emergencyphysicians, interventional cardiologists, nursing staff, receiving hospital representatives, and otherappropriate individuals∆ Provide quality EMS service and patient care to the EMS Systems’ citizens.∆ Review the quality of the process through continuous evaluation of the EMS System based on establishedSTEMI EMS performance measures∆ Although physicians in the emergency departments will confirm this diagnosis, pre-hospital care providersare competent to apply STEMI diagnostic criteria by using their 12-lead monitor defibrillators to recognize aSTEMI∆ ALS providers are proficient in pain management∆ Follow the Chest Pain/Acute Coronary Syndrome protocol for Goals, Treatment, Special Considerations anddecision scheme and reference the 12-Lead ECG protocol for indications and procedure∆ Designates the STEMI PI Committee Membership responsible for execution

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David Keeler

Field Training Coordinator